Above are photographs of Chris, lead singer from Girls-my all time favourite band. I went to see their gig on Saturday night at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham. And it was fucking amazing-me being a dick shouted out something along the lines of "I want to marry you". It's getting cold, I love it. Winter is by far my favourite season. Fashion is 100% better in Winter. I took one of my best friends Chloe to London on Tuesday, we did it all, and I even took her for a picnic on Primrose Hill, it was beautiful. I've got together some of my favourite songs on my playlist this week for you. This weekend for me is college work, work, meeting friends for drinks, work, then a dinner date with my Chloe on Sunday evening-steak, onion rings and wine is on the menu, and then on Monday it's off to Venice for a week with Art Foundation. Have a brilliant weekend everyone, L-P X